Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

Opportunities and challenges when proposals and pitching go virtual

Across industries, as everyone scrambles to figure out new ways of working, one more quintessential part of business life that’s gone virtual is the proposal and pitch. Without the ability to meet in person, companies are cooking up ways to bring...

- Aug, 24, 2020

3 tips to maintain pace while working remotely

Remote working is a great way to increase productivity and keep stress level low, yet businesses some times do feel that the work pace does go down. Remote workers sometimes feel disconnected and experience lack of collaboration; this leads to...

- Aug, 19, 2020

How easy is it to collaborate while working remotely?

We all aspire to have a remote working set up that does not impact our collaboration with other team mates and hence not affect our productivity. Though a very high percentage of people claimed that remote working is a great means to increase...

- Aug, 18, 2020

Complete guide for you to create a Disaster Recovery Plan

In these current times of pandemic, many businesses have come to a complete stand still while others are not working as effectively as they were in the pre-covid times. Many business have reported a loss of revenue due to lack of appropriate phone...

- Aug, 11, 2020

Manage communications and stop disruptions more effectively with VoIP

A long time ago – before the days of videoconferencing, intranets, and email – teams generally needed to be in the same physical location in order to work effectively. But those days are long gone.

- Aug, 10, 2020

Get a disaster recovery plan in place with VoIP: PSTN shutdown

Traditional phones for business could mean lack of communication and flexibility to employees besides having to bear a loss of revenue. But did you know that with PSTN shutdown less than 5 years away, it is about time you move to conventional phone...

- Aug, 04, 2020

You could be losing revenue with your old phone system: Here's why

How much business do you lose when your phone system goes down? Do your customers get upset when your phone service goes? Will your customers call the competition if they can’t get in touch with you? These are all valid questions that every business...

- Aug, 03, 2020

Remote working: FREE eGuides to safeguard your business continuity

The requirement for a waterproof remote working strategy has never been more critical, or more in the spotlight, and whilst on paper this can seem like an open goal with many business benefits, there are unique challenges that IT leaders must...

- Jul, 28, 2020

Protect your company assets while working remotely

Many companies working from home are making video conference calls, uploading documents and conducting their daily business online. But experts are wondering if the remote nature of work could cause extra internet security concerns down the road.


- Jul, 27, 2020

Lack of consistency in service quality during remote working could be resolved simply

Increased employee morale with remote working having become a norm in the current times, businesses are coming forward and sharing some of the issues that they're facing whilst the workforce has been working remotely. 

- Jul, 22, 2020
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