Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

Missing out while working remotely? Here's how to stay interactive

During the current times there is a need for a full proof remote working strategy that every business requires. It has never been more important and IT leaders across companies should address to make the remote working strategies ensure business...

- Jul, 21, 2020

Safe return-to-work for employees amidst covid-19

As the UK government has unveiled plans to ease the Covid-19 lockdown and kick-starting the economy, here’s how you can keep your business ready. Companies that are reopening while COVID-19 continues may want to adopt a return-to-work service that...

- Jul, 13, 2020

5 reasons why businesses overspend on telecom bills

Hidden overspending on business mobiles can regularly account for 20-30% of a typical telecoms budget, in many cases it even goes up to 80%. But most companies are still unaware of where they are paying additional costs.

- Jul, 08, 2020

Work from anywhere with Microsoft Teams 'Direct Router'

Working from anywhere has never been so easy! Working remotely has proved to be a boon especially in times of Covid-19. With VoIP there is no such thing as a fixed location. Once it has been set up, a phone can be moved to any location providing...

- Jun, 30, 2020

Using your mobile abroad: What is the best network for roaming?

Business travel can be an expensive proposition for companies, but if you use your mobile phone abroad - particularly to use mobile internet - the cost can become astronomical. Using your phone abroad, used to be a sure-fire way to incur a massive...

- Jun, 24, 2020

Know how Graff Diamonds managed business efficiency with VoIP

We all have learnt one thing in these times of the pandemic and that is to work remotely with full efficiency. Companies across the UK have had the opportunity to explore newer technologies to ensure business continuity and effectiveness. 

- Jun, 23, 2020

Back to office: your safety is primary

As many companies cautiously make their way towards office working, many of us are starting to envision a time when we can stop working from our bedrooms and return to the office. Yet, in the absence of a vaccine, aspects of modern workplaces will...

- Jun, 17, 2020

Heat detection cameras come to the rescue as workforce returns to office

With the Government guidelines on workforce returning to work from 15th June, it is even more imperative to keep safety in mind. As corporate UK itches to reopen, company leaders are moving quickly to install Heat detection cameras designed to flag...

- Jun, 15, 2020

Video meetings via VoIP is the future post Covid-19. Here's Why

The pandemic will leave a lasting mark on the way we think about how business is conducted, and the remote capabilities of employees everywhere will be at the forefront of that new approach to collaboration. Remote working and remote / video meeting...

- Jun, 12, 2020

Why remote working with VoIP is the new normal

Come 2020 and the whole scenario of working changed. With the entire world grappling from covid 19 pandemic, remote working has become the new normal. With global quarantine restrictions more and more businesses are using VoIP as the work from home...

- Jun, 05, 2020
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