Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

What are the benefits of business mobile phone contracts?

Business today moves at an alarming pace. Your employees need to be flexible and stay connected. If your employees aren’t easy to reach or quick to reply, you risk losing crucial customers and missing out on important deals. Therefore, having a good...

- Mar, 06, 2020

We make corporate travel management easy

Savincom also provides Corporate Travel Management Services. Business travel can be troublesome to manage. With employees flying all over the world, there are flights to book, accommodation to arrange, and an endless list of miscellaneous costs and...

- Mar, 05, 2020

More companies in UK are now embracing Flexible working

Businesses that enable remote working do find that many employees are more productive when they don’t have to deal with rush-hour traffic, nosy colleagues or a noisy work environment. Embrace flexible working with VoIP. Gone are the days when you...

- Mar, 04, 2020

Benefits of 5G that work wonders for Small companies

From responding to customer queries to communicating with remote workers on remote access software, fast and reliable communications is vital for small business productivity, profitability and success. 5G promises to change the scenario of what’s...

- Feb, 28, 2020

Everything you need to know about VoIP- An eBook by Savincom

Did you know that the traditional phone lines are soon shutting down. Moving to a VoIP connection is the best option as this technology is both efficient and cost effective. We have created a detailedeBookfor you to understand 'Everything you need...

- Feb, 26, 2020

Savincom Platinum Club is now Upgraded

Since 2005, we have grown our customer base and ensured that we provide great benefits to all our customers. Savincom Platinum club is our endeavor to make those benefits more premium.

- Feb, 20, 2020

Setting up a new office? Get VoIP for better communications

The question of VoIP versus PSTN/ISDN is going to be something that businesses can’t afford to ignore as service providers start to phase out the older technology. So, what is VoIP and how is it helping businesses who are setting up newer offices...

- Feb, 17, 2020

VoIP comes as a saviour as PSTN is shutting down

What is VoIP?

The way technology is evolving, it is time for both businesses and homes to get access to VoIP. With Savincom’s Unified Communications Solution you get great business phone services, virtual meetings, video conferencing and all the...

- Feb, 14, 2020

How does VoIP help businesses save up to 30% more

- Feb, 14, 2020

BT 2025 Switch off likely to affect 2 million UK Businesses

Come 2025, BT will conduct major changes to its services, permanently switching off important communications networks like PSTN and ISDN. It is estimated that the switch off is likely to impact nearly 2 million UK businesses. Find out what will...

- Feb, 14, 2020
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