Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

Cloud contact centre : advantages that overshadow the disadvantages

Customers these days have become more demanding, thanks to a growing number of digital technologies that make it easier to ask for support, raise a complaint, and track the status of an order. That’s made the contact centre the core of today’s...

- Mar, 22, 2021

What is a cloud contact centre? and how it's beneficial for SMEs?

Customer Experience is the key to growth in your business. Most customers claim that their experience in terms of customer service is an important factor by manifolds that the money they are asked to pay for a service. Customer satisfaction is...

- Mar, 15, 2021

5 VoIP security risks and how to fix them

Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology has come of age and is quickly gaining momentum on Broadband networks. VoIP makes phone calls through the same routes used by network and Internet traffic and is consequently prone to the same cyber...

- Mar, 04, 2021

Microsoft Teams: Top 15 Tips & Tricks you must know

You’ve learned the ropes of Microsoft Teams and can now sustain efficient collaboration with colleagues miles apart. With remote working it has come to use even more. But, are you using Teams’ potential to the fullest? In this article we will be...

- Feb, 24, 2021

5 BIG lessons recent cyber attacks teach us

The world relies on technology more than ever before. As a result, digital data creation has surged. Devices and their underlying systems have vulnerabilities that, when exploited, undermine the health and objectives of an organization.In this...

- Feb, 17, 2021

VoIP vs Landline: 7 Reasons why you should choose VoIP over landline

As per a recent study, "Internet telephony can cut small business start-up costs by 90% and save over 30 minutes of daily call time, it’s no wonder the global VoIP market has an estimated compound annual growth rate of 3.1% from 2021-2026".


- Feb, 15, 2021

Cybersecurity policy matters now more than ever. Here's how to stay safe

Where there’s a crisis, there are those malicious enough to exploit others. With so many businesses still shifting to remote working, cybersecurity continues to be a huge concern – for businesses large and small. It’s even more critical during...

- Feb, 03, 2021

Top 10 VoIP benefits: Why companies switch to a VoIP Phone System

Any business with a concern about efficient and cost effective solutions for telecommunications has likely been informed that Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) telephone systems are the best choice in today’s Internet-driven society. As best as...

- Jan, 20, 2021

6 simple TIPS for using your phone in another country

We’ve put together an essential checklist to make your phone as useful and reliable on business or personal travel as it is when are in your home country, without costing you a fortune. We’ll also share some useful tips for getting the most out of...

- Jan, 13, 2021

Top 20 VoIP features you need to know before switching to a VoIP phone

Small and medium businesses can benefit from some of the more advanced VoIP feature sets in unique ways, and the right set of VoIP features can make your small business look much bigger in the eyes of your customers. Savincom offers a list of the 20...

- Jan, 06, 2021
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