Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

Back to office? Enable safe working with heat detection cameras

Is your business slowly getting back to office-working? Are you apprehensive about working outside of your home amidst the pandemic. Enable safe office working with Heat Detection Cameras.In the current scenario, adopting the heat detection cameras...

- Jun, 02, 2020

How pandemic will fuel importance of 5G

The virtual global lockdown caused by the coronavirus has definitely led a lot of disruption for businesses globally. But for the 5G technology and its high speed remote telecommunications offerings, it has definitely brought some positive news....

- Apr, 01, 2020

8 useful tips to help you focus when working from home

Finding hard to focus working from home? Here are some quick useful tips for you

- Mar, 26, 2020

Amidst Covid-19 scare, your safety is our priority

The Coronavirus is currently keeping the entire globe busy, and the media is reporting a lot about it. It’s an unusual situation that affects life as we know it, both society and the economy alike We at Savincom are committed and prepared to support...

- Mar, 23, 2020

Top 5 VOIP for business

Looking to switch to VoIP? Did you know, that the new digital tools can improve your business’ workflow. With VoIP you can achieve just that. It helps you integrate voice with other channels.

- Mar, 23, 2020

Why is remote working the need of hour

Businesses that enable remote working do find that many employees are more productive when they don’t have to deal with rush-hour traffic, nosy colleagues or a noisy work environment. Embrace flexible working with VoIP. Gone are the days when you...

- Mar, 20, 2020

Be tech-ready to work from home

A number of businesses have started advising employees to work from home in the ongoing bid to curb the coronavirus outbreak. Many big companies have released contingency plans to UK-based staff that include compulsory working from home. It is hoped...

- Mar, 18, 2020

Why cost-monitoring is essential for travel companies?

Many corporate travel companies claim to save you a lot money in the beginning but with time the costs keep shooting up. This is because of the lack of cost monitoring. Consistent business reporting and monitoring is a necessity for many companies,...

- Mar, 13, 2020

How is 5G helping businesses automate

How will 5G impact the future of business and how much potential does 5G have to drive innovation in organisations? Let us talk about the major trends of 5G today and what is expected in 2020.

- Mar, 12, 2020

Save more on your business mobile with Savincom

Business mobile is essentially a mobile contract that is tailored for your business’ needs. You can choose a mobile contract that provides all of the services that you required for your business –i.e. high data limits, free calls, multi-user bundles...

- Mar, 11, 2020
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