Save more on your business mobile with Savincom

Business mobile is essentially a mobile contract that is tailored for your business’ needs. You can choose a mobile contract that provides all of the services that you required for your business –i.e. high data limits, free calls, multi-user bundles – all delivered at a bespoke, affordable price.

Savincom has helped so many businesses save more than 35% cost. Take a look a one of our customer journeys to understand, what we do and how we do it, to help your business save cost.

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Chesterfield insurance, an insurance company were looking for a cost-effective and smooth solution to switch their 56 lines from one service provider to another. Their business mobile bill was not cost-effective, and they were ending up paying a lot more than they thought was right. It was extremely beneficial if their accounts were managed more efficiently, therefore, there was a need to bring down the costs.

Savincom created a smooth and effective transition for them. Efficient account management services ensured that the mobile costs were reduced by a huge margin. We regularly monitored the bills and used the plans that worked better for the customer. This resulted in over 40% reduction in the business mobile bills.  

The issue

Chesterfield insurance were looking for a cost-effective and smooth solution to switch their 56 lines from one service provider to another. Their business mobile bill was not cost-effective. There was need to manage their account more efficiently and bring down the costs.

The solution

Savincom created a smooth and effective transition for them and efficient account management services ensured that the mobile costs were reduced by more than 40% even when the lines went up from 56 to 61 lines.

We have helped many companies to save more than 35% cost. If you are looking for a more beneficial business mobile plan for your company or to find out about our business mobile service, get in touch with us