Savincom Blog

Neha Karthik

Recent Posts

Virtual office during COVID : A VoIP Case Study

Our times are very uncertain, most of the employees going back to work from home and business trying to adapt to the new normal. Communication has become even more important than usual, and not only between businesses and customers but inside the...

- Oct, 19, 2020

Why should you buy International SIMs for your offices abroad

Do you have offices abroad? Sending some staff to these offices abroad on short-term projects? Then it is time to invest in International SIMs. You could save a lot on your business phones with this. We’ll look more closely at how to save money by...

- Oct, 06, 2020

How could IoT protect businesses during a pandemic?

The pandemic and subsequent closures have dramatically increased the number of employees around the world working from home. This has led to the rise of IoT devices at home and at work. As per several reports, the number of IoT devices is likely to...

- Sep, 29, 2020

4 reasons why it is time to say good bye to traditional phone system

Good bye landlines and hello savings. With the percentage of people using landline decreasing every year and now is the time to move your business to a hosted telephony solution. Technology has reshaped almost every aspect of day-to-day life. In...

- Sep, 28, 2020

5 Negative Stories About Remote Working Debunked

Remote working is here to stay and 2020 events have proven it. If you’re physically located in the same office, you may send your co-worker an instant message instead of walking over to their desk. Update a project’s status in a spreadsheet. Give...

- Sep, 21, 2020

Stay connected yet save cost on your next business travel

If you have recently travelled abroad for a business trip, you know how stressful it can be to adjust to a new place and manage your workload. With unpredictable phone connections and unbelievably high international roaming fees and phone charges,...

- Sep, 15, 2020

IoT: The digital thread that brings business functionalities together

Internet of things (IoT) integrates the interconnectedness of human culture -- our 'things' -- with the interconnectedness of our digital information system. The Internet of Things, or IoT, refers to the billions of physical devices around the world...

- Sep, 07, 2020

What works best for your business: SIP, VoIP or Direct Routing?

Business communications involve a lot more than just voice calls. While phones are still a critical tool for communications, professionals use a lot of different technologies to converse. Usually staff rely on phones, email, mobile apps, chat, text,...

- Sep, 02, 2020

How does SIP help in effective remote working

Current pandemic situation has pushed many businesses to adopt a work-from-home model. For many, that has meant adopting cloud-based services, making customer-to-company interactions through voice, email, social media, and the web accessible from...

- Sep, 01, 2020

Your best guide to create a modern workplace

Good collaboration between the team mates and maintaining a good pace of work are essential in maintaining service quality while working remotely. It also aids in creating opportunities out of challenges that businesses are facing in the times of...

- Aug, 24, 2020
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