How could IoT protect businesses during a pandemic?

The pandemic and subsequent closures have dramatically increased the number of employees around the world working from home. This has led to the rise of IoT devices at home and at work. As per several reports, the number of IoT devices is likely to reach one trillion by 2025. For many companies remote working has meant purchase and deployment of new laptops and mobile devices, changes in remote-work security policies, and adoption of new security technologies.

From a technology standpoint, the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic has focused the world’s attention on how we’re overcoming social isolation using technology, as well as how it’s helping to reduce the scale of the tragedy and save lives. 


How Covid has disrupted businesses?

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted nearly every aspect of life, including the economy. As industries work to adapt to a “new normal” of shifting consumer and B2B demand, new ways of working, and profound financial impacts, many businesses are seeking ways to stay afloat with fewer resources.

IoT has the power to connect the dots between the devices we use in our everyday lives, industry, healthcare, and our cities, for enormous benefit. But what specific benefits can IoT have on justifying the impact of the pandemic and what innovation needs to be adopted that ensures that we are prepared for such eventualities again in the future?

Pandemic pain points and how IoT can help?

We will start by looking at the pain points of people during this pandemic. The main issue in such times is that human contact has to be decreased to a bare minimum. In such a situation IoT is a technology that has come to the rescue. 

1. IoT devices can help to spot potential symptoms of a virus. By gathering data on both a micro and macro level, governments can identify unusual trends before they become a problem and generate more accurate modelling. This can range from Heat Detection cameras that detect the number of patients with high temperatures, to devices such as a smart ring that can identify COVID-19 symptoms of the person wearing it.

2. In a pandemic when physical contact needs to be limited and workforces are depleted, it’s vital that the requirement of having engineers on-site is reduced to a minimum. Fully IoT connected devices enable fewer visits and a better ability to solve technical issues remotely and safeguarding employees.

For more information regarding Heat Detection Cameras click on the below 'book a demo' button. For any other IoT services, call us on 020 3862 7740, today.

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