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How does VoIP help businesses save up to 30% more

Written by Neha Karthik | Feb 14, 2020 11:30:40 AM

What is VoIP?

The way technology is evolving, it is time for both businesses and homes to get access to VoIP. Gain access to all your communications in one convenient communications solution. With Savincom’s Unified Communications Solution you get great business phone services, virtual meetings, video conferencing and all the features your employees love, like presence awareness, mobile apps, visual voicemail, and more.

We work with leading VoIP providers like VodafoneGamma Horizon and Telcoswitch. Savincom ensures that you empower everyone in your business—anywhere in the world—by giving them all the same powerful communications tools. You will be able to support remote, mobile and home-based workers. And connect with every customer, every time, using the methods they prefer. 

The last decade has seen significant advancements in VoIP technology. Moving forward at an incredibly fast pace, VoIP services have attracted more and more users around the world both for personal and business use.

Your VoIP system could be:

  • With a phone and a VoIP adapter 
  • With a computer
  • With a smartphone 

How does VoIP work?

Nowadays, even small and medium businesses may have customers, partners or suppliers in various countries across the world. Voice communication is an integral part of any enterprise and phone charges can easily run into thousands of dollars per month on a traditional line.

But with VoIP placements, long-distance charges simply disappear. Businesses can generally purchase bulk minutes in advance for incredibly low prices.

In addition to no international calling charges, phone calls made by employees to one another are often not charged at all. A business using VoIP doesn’t have to pay for interoffice calls even if it has multiple offices scattered across the country and some employees working from home, client locations or remote sites.

Very few organizations still function on the traditional model of one office where all employees come every day to work. VoIP allows flexibility in voice calls to mirror the new business workflows.

If Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is something that your company is currently looking to start using, then Savincom can help you save more than 30%. Please click on the link to know more.

Get VoIP hassle free

When you evaluate the pros and cons of different phone systems, including the possibility of switching to Hosted VoIP, hardware is always a serious concern. What kind of devices will you need? How much does it cost? Can you use your existing phones? and the list of questions is endless. We have listed a 3 point simple hardware setup guide for businesses wanted to switch to VoIP.

The good news is that Voice over Internet Protocol, or a cloud phone system, calls for very little hardware to get the job done, meaning less capital expenditure for you. With VoIP, the provider manages the hardware and software infrastructure, freeing you from equipment troubles and maintenance costs. You can even use your existing hardware, including mobile devices. Now, isn’t that super good news?!

The Three Essentials of VoIP Hardware

For many customers, you only need the big three to get your cloud phone system up and running:

  1. Business-Class Router
  2. IP Phones
  3. Internet Connection

How is VoIP improving business communications

If you are considering a VoIP phone system for your business, but high costs are something that doesn’t let you, then it's time to rethink. VoIP is helping businesses save up to 50% on their company’s phones.

Most small companies feel that they miss out on opportunities of more business because of lack of a better phone system. Now, No More! With a professionally designed phone system, you can give potential customers a completely different perspective on your business and what you offer. First impressions matter, and most customers will not trust a business that has a number going to an answering machine. Potential customers are more likely to buy based on how the initial contact was processed. It gives the client an impression that you are a company with a big name that they can trust.

Another significant advantage of a VoIP phone system for a small business that you can now get a mobile workforce. Many potential customers live in a rapidly changing world and we will be grateful to you. Using VoIP, you can navigate to the location of the client. This flexibility gives your company greater openness and makes customer satisfaction much easier. Being able to contact someone to express your fears or get help in solving problems is a massive advantage for any business. VoIP gives businesses ability to do this.


Embrace flexible working with VoIP

Gone are the days when you were expected to be in office all days of the week. Now more and more companies are giving 'work from anywhere' option to it's employees. 

Working from home has already become common place for many of us, due to already having the tools and capabilities required to do your job – usually no more than a laptop and a phone – at home.

Small to medium sized businesses could reap the benefits of granting workers more flexibility, with employees being more motivated, committed and generally happier being cited among the possible benefits. It also helps businesses save on a lot of cost. 

So, if you're a business, how can VoIP ensure your employees remain connected with each other and the business in such circumstances?


Manage your business better with VoIP

Most businesses ask the question, is it too complicated to get VoIP? Our answer to this is NO. It costs a lot lesser to manage VoIP thus making it easier to scale your business. It is time to move your business to the internet telephony NOW. Savincom can help your business with the transition to VoIP.VoIP technology has changed considerably compared to the early days. These days you would be hard-pressed to find a business that has not heard of VoIP and most are in the process of switching away from PSTN which will soon shutdown.In spite of this progress, many people harbour misconceptions about the technology. For instance, quite a few managers think that VoIP is too complicated to set up for use on a daily basis.

Setting up VoIP in the following 6 simple Steps:

1. Estimate the number of users

2. Check your Internet speeds

3. Set Up a budget

4. Select a vendor

5. Order and upgrade hardware

6. Configure your system to suit your needs

Why VoIP is better than traditional phones?

With the advent of VoIP, more and more businesses are switching away from the traditional landline phones. So, why is VoIP better than landline? Here are the many benefits of switching your phone system:

  1. Cut Costs: The biggest advantage for many businesses deciding between VoIP vs. landline is the cost. VoIP calls are significantly cheaper than landline services, and many of the added features are free to use. T
  2. Complete Mobility: With VoIP there’s added flexibility when it comes to location. Fixed phone lines utilize non-portable phones, while VoIP calls can be made anywhere in the world as long as you have a good connection. 
  3. Advanced Functions: In addition to cost savings and improved remote communications, VoIP also comes with a multitude of functions to make day-to-day interactions between colleagues and customers easier.

    These extra functions, which are not available with landline phones, enhance the way we communicate. 

4. Combined Communication Channels:Unified communication channels are one of the benefits of VoIP designed to increase productivity and save you time. Unlike traditional phone lines, a modern VoIP system can bring all of your channels together for when you’re on the go between meetings or traveling abroad
5. Easy IoT Integration: According to statistics, there will be almost 76 billion connected devices by the year 2025. This is considering the complete shut down of PSTN
6. Greater Privacy: When it comes to VoIP vs. landline, security is one of the main concerns for businesses. The truth is, however, that neither landline nor VoIP is completely hack-proof.

7. Easy to Scale: Scalability is a major advantage when assessing the pros and cons of VoIP vs landline. For companies undergoing major growth, non-fixed VoIP is the cheapest system to utilize.

Why choose VoIP over traditional phones?

Making a switch from conventional phone services to VoIP services means significant savings on phone calls and more flexible communication options. Choosing Savincom as your reliable VoIP provider will be the first step in getting great quality and affordable VoIP services to best meet your needs. With Savincom you get a VoIP network that has advanced cost-efficiency, while providing your business with advanced flexibility and advanced productivity. For businesses that are rapidly growing, VoIP provides an efficient scaling model that can rapidly grow to meet your increasing business needs. 

Here are the top 8 benefits of VOIP for small businesses:

  1. Cost-Effective
  2. Multi-Functionality
  3. Secure
  4. Portability
  5. Automated assistance
  6. Call recording service
  7. Increased Productivity
  8. Excellent call quality
    To discuss this or If you are looking for a VoIP service provider and  want to know more about our services, please fill in the below form.