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Complete guide for you to create a Disaster Recovery Plan

Written by Neha Karthik | Aug 11, 2020 1:58:32 PM

In these current times of pandemic, many businesses have come to a complete stand still while others are not working as effectively as they were in the pre-covid times. Many business have reported a loss of revenue due to lack of appropriate phone system that is needed to for an effective remote working set up.

Disaster Recovery involves a set of policies, tools and procedures to enable the recovery or continuation of vital technology infrastructure and systems following a natural or human-induced disaster. It could also include planning for events like shutting down of PSTN and ISDN. With this the traditional phone system will become obsolete and the new age Unified communications will take over. 

Therefore, we have created a complete eGuide that is especially designed for your organisation to effectively build a Disaster Recovery Plan that caters to all events and disasters.

How 'old' phone system leads to loss of revenue?

Better planning with VoIP will help!

The major costs associated with keeping an old phone system are related to a poorer quality customer service. These include:

  • The ability to transfer customer calls to  staff  mobile phones so your customers can get the immediate assistance they require to keep them happy even if staff is away from the office.
  • Customers do not appreciate a busy tone on your phone which they’ll get with an old system; with a new system, incoming calls that would normally get a busy signal  get answered and automatically placed in line for next person available.
  • Old systems don’t include mobile phone apps that will allow out of office staff to make calls using office phone lines from their mobile phones.

With this small change you can save a lot of cost and have happy customers.

With traditional phone system shutting down, how should businesses prepare?

Since the decision is final now, and ISDN services will be shut down by 2025, it is time to think proactively. You need to make decisions for your organization, and lookout for a replacement technology. There is nothing better than VoIP services, as it will work over an internet connection and provide apex audio quality. The best aspect about VoIP phone systems is that it doesn’t run over copper wired lines, rather a high-speed internet connection is all that is required for quick installation. 

A hosted phone system supported by progressive and modern VoIP technology can have a number of benefits for any kind of business organization. It will make sure that your team members remain highly accessible in the current digital age. VoIP phone solutions encourage mobility as employees can make or receive calls from any corner of the globe- they do not remain restricted to the physical office location.

What services should I migrate to next?

The recent investment in the UK communications network has made the new fibre infrastructure widely available and affordable to small businesses. This means IP based solution such as VoIP and SIP are the top alternatives for businesses.

What is VoIP?

VoIP is a cloud-based telephony solution which moves your whole phone system online so all your calls are sent over your internet connection. This digital cloud-based phone system offers a wide range of additional features such as call recording, receiving voicemails via email, call queuing and unified communications – being able to access the system on multiple devices such as a mobile and desktop.

What are the real benefits of VoIP?

VoIP is a phone system that allows for making calls over the internet. It is essentially a virtual telephone line, which allows for the cost associated with phone lines and hardware to be dramatically reduced.

In addition to the cost savings, there are far more benefits for businesses when it comes to flexibility, scalability and future proofing.

A digital line provides many benefits when it comes to video conferencing, managing call directions, increasing or decreasing the number of connections and transferring calls between locations. 

Manage communications and stop disruptions more effectively with VoIP

Regardless of how people are organized, managing a team that's spread out in many locations can present huge challenges, even for the most experienced managers. How do you ensure that everyone feels they're treated fairly, if you see some team members much more than others? How can you prevent remote team from facing disruptions? And how do you get all members to buy into the team's objectives and stay on track with better communications?

Failing to plan is planning to fail!

Your company probably already has a disaster recovery plan in place for your IT services. You make sure your data is backed up daily and you have written procedures in place to restore a failed piece of hardware should you ever need to. But what happens when your voice services are disrupted?

Any number of events can make your phone service unusable. If your staff are unable to attend calls then the business grinds to a halt. Having a proper voice DRP in place ensures that you can keep doing your customers what keeps you from opening your office.

Get VoIP phone systems to ensure business continuity for both your communications and collaboration strategy. If you like many businesses are losing out on a lot of revenue, then it's time to move to unified communications. We have a solution to help you enable remote working and enforce a stable disaster recovery plan for your business. Download our FREE eGuide by clicking here.