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VoIP comes as a saviour as PSTN is shutting down

Written by Neha Karthik | Feb 14, 2020 4:03:58 PM

What is VoIP?

The way technology is evolving, it is time for both businesses and homes to get access to VoIP. With Savincom’s Unified Communications Solution you get great business phone services, virtual meetings, video conferencing and all the features your employees love, like presence awareness, mobile apps, visual voicemail, and more. The big question here is,what does VoIP actually mean for your business? To know more, get in touch with Savincom, today. Our team of experts will be able to take you through how VoIP can become your saviour with PSTN and ISDN shutting down.

How does VoIP work?

If you are upgrading technology, whether for personal or business use- it is often an expensive plan. An operating system, software application or hardware upgrades, buying the latest generation requires more money than just sticking with existing options.

Contrary to the usual trends, upgrading to VoIP can actually save money even after including the cost of buying new hardware or increasing the speed of the Internet connection/bandwidth.

Users are able to pay less for the same volume of phone calls as before because VoIP providers can take advantage of existing IP networks, thus bypassing traditional phone operators around the world. It means that users do not have to pay the phone carriers extra charges based on distance, geographical boundaries or time.

Since VoIP calls are transmitted over the public Internet – or local company intranet – operators do not have to maintain distinct infrastructure for data and phone lines.

Voice calls are treated similar to other data packets, making it easy to transmit over long distances. Consumer and business VoIP usage are two distinct categories within the industry and upgrading to VoIP can save users hundreds to thousands of dollars every year.

With traditional phone system shutting down, how should businesses prepare?

The telecommunications industry is evolving rapidly. Dynamic changes are taking place, and many old technologies are being replaced with emerging ones. One such radical development is the shutdown of ISDN. Now, you may not be very familiar with the term, and even wonder what is meant by it- let us understand it a bit more closely.

Since the decision is final now, and ISDN services will be shut down by 2025, it is time to think proactively. You need to make decisions for your organization, and lookout for a replacement technology. There is nothing better than VoIP services, as it will work over an internet connection and provide apex audio quality. The best aspect about VoIP phone systems is that it doesn’t run over copper wired lines, rather a high-speed internet connection is all that is required for quick installation. 

A hosted phone system supported by progressive and modern VoIP technology can have a number of benefits for any kind of business organization. It will make sure that your team members remain highly accessible in the current digital age. VoIP phone solutions encourage mobility as employees can make or receive calls from any corner of the globe- they do not remain restricted to the physical office location.

The rapid growth of globalization has made it necessary for business organizations to invest in a seamless communication system. Borders do not bind businesses anymore; rather they often expand operations to buzzing international commercial destinations. In such cases, getting a VoIP phone system is the ideal solution. They can help you breakthrough a new overseas market, connect with local audiences, and enhance your brand reputation.

BT 2025 Switch off likely to affect 2 million UK Businesses

Come 2025, BT will conduct major changes to its services, permanently switching off important communications networks like PSTN and ISDN. It is estimated that the switch off is likely to impact nearly 2 million UK businesses. Find out what will happen and how will it impact your business.

What is happening with the BT 2025 switch off?

National telecoms provider BT has announced they will shut off their ISDN and PSTN services.

The move ends the use of analogue phone lines and moves communications technology into an entirely new online space.

BT will no longer offer businesses the ability to acquire ISDN and PSTN after 2020, with the total switch off occurring in 2025. After the switch off, there will be no maintenance or recovery of phone lines, and any data sent will no longer be carried through ISDN and PSTN.

How does it impact business communication?

Industry experts say that this is a part of cost-saving efforts by BT. It is estimated that over 2 million UK businesses will be affected by the switch off. This will primarily include the smaller companies.

Businesses will need to look for alternative methods of data transmission to maintain communication coverage. VoIP is emerging as the sole runner for replacing the traditional phone systems.

How does VoIP save 30& more than traditional phone?

VoIP vs Traditional Landlines: which is more cost effective?

Are you a business looking to get a new phone system? Picking the right solution that works just perfectly for your team can take lots of time and research.  If you’ve decided it’s time to pick a new phone system, you’ll be given the choice between voice over internet protocol (VoIP) or traditional landlines. But which to go for? Striking the balance between a money-saving system and also finding a phone system that works for your team is a tricky feat to tackle. With VoIP you are ensured of up to 30% savings!

In this article, we will be focussing on Advanced that VoIP can bring to your business and focus on how it can save your business up to 30%.

VoIP Advantages

The main advantage of VoIP that encourages many businesses to make the change is the price. Regardless of the respective features of VoIP and the traditional landline, when comparing both the initial setup and the ongoing costs, VoIP is far cheaper than old landline systems – as well as being highly flexible, with constant improvements being made to the usability.

A VoIP phone system works by taking your voice audio – i.e. your conversation – and transforming it into digital information which can then be quickly sent across the Internet. Compared to older telephony which still uses copper telephone lines to transmit the calls, a VoIP Internet-based solution allows you to make free, or at least very low-cost telephone calls over the Internet all over the world. Because you’re already paying for your monthly broadband subscription, you don’t need to pay twice! And since small businesses are very likely to already have broadband in the workplace already, such a service is a natural choice for Internet users.

Setting up a new office? Get VoIP for better communications

The question of VoIP versus PSTN/ISDN is going to be something that businesses can’t afford to ignore as service providers start to phase out the older technology. So, what is VoIP and how is it helping businesses who are setting up newer offices get a hassle-free transition and save them a lot more?

VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol and simply put it’s a technology which provides a way of using the internet to make standard telephone calls, using a computer, VoIP handset, or other data-device such as a mobile phone. This type of telephone service doesn’t rely on having one or more physical landlines coming into your office – just a stable internet connection is all you need. With the new technology and call clarity advances of VoIP business phone systems in the last several years, it is a good time for businesses to make the switch from a traditional provider to a VoIP solution. In most cases, you can get similar or even more advanced features as a traditional phone system for much less cost. To make it easier for your business to switch, follow these seven steps:

What are the Alternatives after the BT 2025 Switch Off?

When it comes to adapting business technology following the BT 2025, the big push is towards VoIP.

VoIP — or Voice Over Internet Protocol — is a method of data transmission that allows for voice messages and images to be sent over the internet using your current hardware. But how? Didn’t we just say you can’t plug your fax machine into your computer and expect it to work?

Traditionally, information from fax machines and telephones travelled down a hard-line to your copper-wire landline. Data then transmitted — via ISDN or PSTN — through this wire. With the wire no longer operational following the BT 2025 switch off, the data must go elsewhere. How VoIP works for your phones and fax machines is simple. Using an adaptor device, you can turn your landline-reliant fax machines and phones into hardware with internet connectivity.

In essence, VoIP means you can use your current hard-line devices to send information to other hard-line devices, but through the internet. The result is minimal change to your systems while maintaining communication coverage, even after the BT 2025 switch off.

If you are looking to switch to VoIP, get in touch with us today.