What does VoIP mean to your business

What is VoIP?

The way technology is evolving, it is time for both businesses and homes to get access to VoIP. Gain access to all your communications in one convenient communications solution. With Savincom’s Unified Communications Solution you get great business phone services, virtual meetings, video conferencing and all the features your employees love, like presence awareness, mobile apps, visual voicemail, and more.

We work with leading VoIP providers like VodafoneGamma Horizon and Telcoswitch. Savincom ensures that you empower everyone in your business—anywhere in the world—by giving them all the same powerful communications tools. You will be able to support remote, mobile and home-based workers. And connect with every customer, every time, using the methods they prefer. 

The last decade has seen significant advancements in VoIP technology. Moving forward at an incredibly fast pace, VoIP services have attracted more and more users around the world both for personal and business use.

Your VoIP system could be:

  • With a phone and a VoIP adapter 
  • With a computer
  • With a smartphone 
How does VoIP work?

Nowadays, even small and medium businesses may have customers, partners or suppliers in various countries across the world. Voice communication is an integral part of any enterprise and phone charges can easily run into thousands of dollars per month on a traditional line.

But with VoIP placements, long-distance charges simply disappear. Businesses can generally purchase bulk minutes in advance for incredibly low prices.

In addition to no international calling charges, phone calls made by employees to one another are often not charged at all. A business using VoIP doesn’t have to pay for interoffice calls even if it has multiple offices scattered across the country and some employees working from home, client locations or remote sites.

Very few organizations still function on the traditional model of one office where all employees come every day to work. VoIP allows flexibility in voice calls to mirror the new business workflows.

If Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is something that your company is currently looking to start using, then Savincom can help you save more than 30%. Please click on the link to know more.

How is VoIP better than traditional phones


With the advent of VoIP, more and more businesses are switching away from the traditional landline phones. So, why is VoIP better than landline? Here are the many benefits of switching your phone system:

1. Cut Costs: The biggest advantage for many businesses deciding between VoIP vs. landline is the cost. VoIP calls are significantly cheaper than landline services, and many of the added features are free to use. The installation of hardware and software is also more cost-effective than setting up traditional lines – so there’s no expensive initial outlay. As well as being cheap to install, setup is also quick. For smaller business in the midst of scaling, it’s a convenient upgrade that will cause little disruption.

2. Complete Mobility: With VoIP there’s added flexibility when it comes to location. Fixed phone lines utilize non-portable phones, while VoIP calls can be made anywhere in the world as long as you have a good connection. This allows for easy international growth and promotes better remote working for staff members. Fifty percent of the Western workforce could be working remotely by 2020, according to Fast Company. With such a big rise in remote workers, having better mobility for your team is more important than ever.

3.  Advanced Functions: In addition to cost savings and improved remote communications, VoIP also comes with a multitude of functions to make day-to-day interactions between colleagues and customers easier.

4. Combined Communication Channels:Unified communication channels are one of the benefits of VoIP designed to increase productivity and save you time. Unlike traditional phone lines, a modern VoIP system can bring all of your channels together for when you’re on the go between meetings or traveling abroad.

5. Easy IoT Integration: According to statistics, there will be almost 76 billion connected devices by the year 2025. This is considering the complete shut down of PSTN. The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered to be the next industrial revolution, and VoIP systems can be integrated to create a more productive workplace. Since the IoT and VoIP are both based on an IP infrastructure, they can interact without a problem.

6. Greater Privacy: When it comes to VoIP vs. landline, security is one of the main concerns for businesses. The truth is, however, that neither landline nor VoIP is completely hack-proof.

7. Easy to Scale: Scalability is a major advantage when assessing the pros and cons of VoIP vs landline. For companies undergoing major growth, non-fixed VoIP is the cheapest system to utilize.

8 ways VoIP can scale your business


With Savincom you get a VoIP network that has advanced cost-efficiency, while providing your business with advanced flexibility and advanced productivity. For businesses that are rapidly growing, VoIP provides an efficient scaling model that can rapidly grow to meet your increasing business needs. Savincom has helped several businesses to reduce cost. 

Here are some of the 8 ways VoIP systems can fuel workplace productivity: 

  • Never miss a call. A lot of time is lost by returning phone calls throughout the day. VoIP systems can make you more accessible to your clients and colleagues, thus reducing time spent listening and responding to voicemails. VoIP offers advanced call forwarding options that allow you to connect all of your personal devices to your corporate network and have phone calls automatically transferred to personal devices.  
  • Spend less time traveling. Many businesses rely on frequent meetings, but these can place time constraints on employees. VoIP networks come equipped with video chatting on all devices, so employees can connect to corporate meetings, no matter their physical location.
  • Access all messages in a single location. Most business people have multiple corporate devices and conduct business travel regularly. This can create a challenge when trying to access voicemails
  • VoIP improves collaboration. The efficiency of a business model largely depends on the ability of co-workers to collaborate. The more you encourage collaboration, the higher quality of work and the higher level of efficiency your team members will achieve. 
  • Improve customer retention. Building brand loyalty is an essential component of creating a profitable business model. Clients demand a positive customer experience, and customer service can go a long way in enhancing word-of-mouth marketing. 
  • Improve employee retention. Studies indicate that employees are more likely to stay with a company if they feel passionate and connected to the work they do, while feeling as though they matter to the company. 
  • VoIP is highly scalable. If your company is growing quickly, then you need a phone network that can grow alongside you. On-premises telecom is time-consuming and costly to scale, requiring extensive hardware and software. VoIP is based in the cloud, making scaling easy and efficient, while significantly reducing the cost of scaling.
  • VoIP is cheaper to manage. Managing your communications platform in the cloud will drastically reduce the cost of ownership, allowing you to reduce overhead spending and allocate business funds to the departmental tasks that truly matter.

    How to secure your business with VoIP 

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    First, be aware of the security protocols your VoIP provider has in place. Some VoIP applications will not put up any security hurdles, thereby leaving your business data vulnerable. Make sure to use a VoIP provider that puts up security hurdles that

    Second, make sure to secure your own network. Ensure the secured VoIP system you choose relies on the security of the networks that carry the VoIP traffic. Securing your own network, for example, is therefore key.

    Make sure your VoIP implementation is secure. How can you do this? One way is to engage with a secure Voice over IP service provider such as Savincom.

    End-to-End Encryption

    Now that you have ensured that you use a secure provider such as Nextiva, you need to make sure your own internal networks are sufficiently secure to avoid any possible VoIP risks.

    Unencrypted Internet networks are prone to hacker snooping. By contrast, Internet data that is encrypted is of no use to anyone who manages to record the data transmission. Encryption that runs end-to-end is therefore important. Data should be encrypted on every possible layer.

    WiFi Encryption

    Data sent over your internal office WiFi should be encrypted because WiFi is easily susceptible to snooping. VoIP calls made over unencrypted WiFi can leave key data points exposed to anyone who cares to snoop. Your users should never connect their mobile devices to unsecured WiFi networks because doing so can expose network transmissions – including VoIP data.

    User Security

    User security is also an important factor when it comes to making sure your VoIP traffic stays out of praying hands.

    How VoIP helps scale your Sales team performance effectively 


    For millions of organizations of all sizes, the sales department plays a pivotal role in the success of the business. The responsibility of sales is to bridge the gap between the need of potential customers and the services/products that the organization offers to fulfil those needs. How can VoIP Integrations improve your Sales Performance?

    In the vicious landscape of business, every organization is looking for a competitive edge to stay healthy and relevant within their respective industry. For the past few years, that competitive edge for copious businesses has been a revolutionary, cloud telephone system called VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol). VoIP is a telephone connection over the internet where the data is sent digitally via IP instead of analog telephone lines. Thus, businesses with global reach and their customers can connect seamlessly without having to pay long-distance or international calling charges. As per research, about 79% of companies use VoIP in at least one of their locations.1. VoIP Can Increase Sales Team Efficiency2. Automate call reminders and follow ups 3. VoIP allows for remote offices & answering 4. Third-Party Software Integrations 5. Cost-Efficient Scalability & Additional Functionality

    With VoIP, this ceases to be a problem. Because the call is routed through the internet rather than a landline, you don’t have to worry about the installation of an additional landline. This is more cost-efficient for a company, especially one that operates a call center. VoIP technology seems to be a positive move for any business. The features on offer for sales teams make it even more positive. 

    Advanced VoIP to bolster your business 

    In times where most things are heading towards automation, VoIP has emerged as a go to tool that is helping many businesses boost. All major VoIP providers offer businesses all-inclusive unified communication systems. Those systems cater to the most communications needs. They often include a number of advanced features to improve business operations. We have listed few selected features you get with VoIP that will bolster your business.

    • Call transfer and forwarding
    • Call monitoring and recording
    • Audio and video conferencing
    • Cloud PBX and automated attendant
    • Call screening and auto answering rules
    • Visual voicemail, voicemail to email and other integrations
    • Hot desking