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How easy is it to collaborate while working remotely?

Written by Neha Karthik | Aug 18, 2020 11:28:41 AM

We all aspire to have a remote working set up that does not impact our collaboration with other team mates and hence not affect our productivity. Though a very high percentage of people claimed that remote working is a great means to increase productivity and keep stress level low, yet there are still some issues that impact them and their productivity. Remote workers can sometimes feel alone or disconnected, and those in the office or other cities may worry about them getting their work done on time.

82 percent of workers report lower stress levels when telecommuting and companies get more production while incurring fewer expenses. Source:

It’s not difficult to increase collaboration across remote teams and departments. It does take intention and effort. That’s why it’s important to develop strategies for how to increase collaboration between remote teams.

Benefits of improved collaboration across departments 

  • Workers are more productive and output is more efficient when teams collaborate.

  • Teams that work collaboratively spend 64 percent more time on a task than those going solo, and companies that promote collaborative working are five times as likely to be high performing.

How to increase collaboration between teams?

  • Your workforce should be equipped with the right remote working tools and the most important one here is Unified communications
  • Keep your schedule including check-ins
  • Encourage collaboration between departments by switching up the work 
  • Keep your teams organised
  • Communications details effectively. Lack of communications leads to lack of collaboration

From then to now

Thirty years ago, the workplace was a pretty consistent environment. There were cubicles, some conference rooms, and a few closed offices for high-level executives. People came into the office to work, and the idea of a “flexible” work environment was unheard of.

Office work spaces are more creative and collaborative than ever, but companies are also more encouraging of working remotely. About three in four workers spend at least two days per week working from home, taking advantage of audio recorder technology and the comforts of a remote space.

Humans are social beings, and the workplace is no different than other parts of our lives: to succeed, we need to connect and collaborate with others. People seek new ways of collaborating to fill the void left by the now dormant open-plan offices. There are plenty of other ways, too, so don’t be afraid to try out more strategies for improving collaboration across teams. If you want to get started today, you’ll make the biggest impact with a focus on clear communication. 

For more details about creating a modern workplace which increases collaboration among the team members and increases productivity, download our FREE eGuide.