Savincom Blog

Advanced Phone System - Save more than 30%

Written by Neha Karthik | Dec 23, 2019 9:40:00 AM

How Does VoIP Save cost?

If you are upgrading technology, whether for personal or business use- it is often an expensive plan. An operating system, software application or hardware upgrades, buying the latest generation requires more money than just sticking with existing options. Businesses often ask the question, what does VoIP mean to your business?

Contrary to the usual trends, upgrading to VoIP can actually save money even after including the cost of buying new hardware or increasing the speed of the Internet connection/bandwidth.

Users are able to pay less for the same volume of phone calls as before because VoIP providers can take advantage of existing IP networks, thus bypassing traditional phone operators around the world. It means that users do not have to pay the phone carriers extra charges based on distance, geographical boundaries or time.

Since VoIP calls are transmitted over the public Internet – or local company intranet – operators do not have to maintain distinct infrastructure for data and phone lines.

Voice calls are treated similar to other data packets, making it easy to transmit over long distances. Consumer and business VoIP usage are two distinct categories within the industry and upgrading to VoIP can save users hundreds to thousands of dollars every year.

How Does VoIP Save Money for Businesses?

Businesses want to know How VoIP helps in saving more than 30%? Nowadays even small and medium businesses may have customers, partners or suppliers in various countries across the world. Voice communication is an integral part of any enterprise and phone charges can easily run into thousands of dollars per month on a traditional line.

But with VoIP placements, long-distance charges simply disappear. Businesses can generally purchase bulk minutes in advance for incredibly low prices.

In addition to no international calling charges, phone calls made by employees to one another are often not charged at all. A business using VoIP doesn’t have to pay for interoffice calls even if it has multiple offices scattered across the country and some employees working from home, client locations or remote sites.

Very few organizations still function on the traditional model of one office where all employees come every day to work. VoIP allows flexibility in voice calls to mirror the new business workflows.

If Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) is something that your company is currently looking to start using, then Savincom can help you save more than 30%. Please click on the link to know more.