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Why VoIP is better than traditional phone?

Written by Neha Karthik | Jan 29, 2020 9:00:00 AM

With the advent of VoIP, more and more businesses are switching away from the traditional landline phones. So, why is VoIP better than landline? and how is VoIP helping businesses saving more than 30%? Here are the many benefits of switching your phone system:

  1. Cut Costs: The biggest advantage for many businesses deciding between VoIP vs. landline is the cost. VoIP calls are significantly cheaper than landline services, and many of the added features are free to use. The installation of hardware and software is also more cost-effective than setting up traditional lines – so there’s no expensive initial outlay. As well as being cheap to install, setup is also quick. For smaller business in the midst of scaling, it’s a convenient upgrade that will cause little disruption.
  2. Complete Mobility: With VoIP there’s added flexibility when it comes to location. Fixed phone lines utilize non-portable phones, while VoIP calls can be made anywhere in the world as long as you have a good connection. This allows for easy international growth and promotes better remote working for staff members. Fifty percent of the Western workforce could be working remotely by 2020, according to Fast Company. With such a big rise in remote workers, having better mobility for your team is more important than ever.
  3. Advanced Functions: In addition to cost savings and improved remote communications, VoIP also comes with a multitude of functions to make day-to-day interactions between colleagues and customers easier.

    These extra functions, which are not available with landline phones, enhance the way we communicate. This not only streamlines processes across departments, but it can help you nurture client relationships and improve customer service performance. Having interactive voice response, call recording, time of day routing, and sequential ringing are all free features of VoIP that can help you resolve problems or liaise with clients without delay. VoIP phone systems will continue to benefit from ongoing enhancements as technology continues to advance, yet landline technology remains stagnant.

4. Combined Communication Channels:Unified communication channels are one of the benefits of VoIP designed to increase productivity and save you time. Unlike traditional phone lines, a modern VoIP system can bring all of your channels together for when you’re on the go between meetings or traveling abroad. For instance, you can send voicemails directly to your email, which eliminates the need to dial into your phone service to retrieve them. For global representatives, this can be a big cost saving for the company. You can even have voicemails automatically transcribed and emailed to you with some services, which makes business travel even easier.
5. Easy IoT Integration: According to statistics, there will be almost 76 billion connected devices by the year 2025. This is considering the complete shut down of PSTN. The Internet of Things (IoT) is considered to be the next industrial revolution, and VoIP systems can be integrated to create a more productive workplace. Since the IoT and VoIP are both based on an IP infrastructure, they can interact without a problem. 
6. Greater Privacy: When it comes to VoIP vs. landline, security is one of the main concerns for businesses. The truth is, however, that neither landline nor VoIP is completely hack-proof.

7. Easy to Scale: Scalability is a major advantage when assessing the pros and cons of VoIP vs landline. For companies undergoing major growth, non-fixed VoIP is the cheapest system to utilize.

To know more about VoIP and how Savincom can help your business please click here.