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How is 5G helping businesses automate

Written by Neha Karthik | Mar 12, 2020 9:00:00 AM

How will 5G impact the future of business and how much potential does 5G have to drive innovation in organisations? Let us talk about the major trends of 5G today and what is expected in 2020.

The fifth-generation network will impact enterprise and consumer markets in different ways in 2020. According to reports, the adoption of 5G in enterprises will see a significant rise by 2025.

The reason for that is that many different parts of the economy and many companies in different sectors of the economy are digitising their operations. This is sort of the industrial revolution comparison to Industry 4.0 and when you get into things like automation, robotics and remote healthcare applications, there is significant selling opportunities there for 5G tech because it offers much lower latency than previous.

It is expected that the manufacturing and automotive sectors will see the greatest take up of 5G, but it will also help businesses thrive in the data-driven era.

Let us focus on how 5G will impact the businesses across UK by bringing about efficient automation in 2020.

Faster internet speeds, increased traffic, and seamless tech integration are just a few business benefits, here are a few more benefits that may make your company consider investing in and prioritizing 5G technology:
  •  Intelligent IoT devices: With the number of IoT devices expected to increase with the release of 5G speeds, IoT-focused businesses can expect this highly-anticipated network to impact IoT devices significantly by enhancing infrastructure diagnoses systems and providing better data insights; both will strengthen a company's infrastructure, lowering the vulnerability of these devices, which are known to be more susceptible to cyber threats like cryptojacking.
  • Network Slicing: The multitude of uses and new services of emerging technology by businesses and consumers will require a flexible network that can provide a better user experience. With 5G tech businesses will be able to create multiple virtual networks with just one physical system. This network slicing can help companies provide an end-to-end virtual system encompassing not only networking but computing and storage functions as well. With 5G connections your business can offer consumers a more seamless experience.
  • Multi-Access Edge Computing: Through 5G tech, multi-access edge computing will assist in decongesting your company’s crowded network, even when supporting hundreds of devices at once. This cloud-based network architecture can not only decrease site congestion, but also will increase overall site performance. Besides handling large data loads and delivering results in real time, multi-access edge computing will also protect user data, through local computing versus a centralized network used currently.

How 5G is bringing efficient automation to businesses

Last year, there were 4,000 business with automated warehouses in operation globally. However, forecasts say that by 2025, 4 million commercial robots will be operating in 50,000 warehouses across the globe. This huge projected jump is staggering but how is this possible? Connectivity. And that’s exactly what 5G is bringing to the table.

Online shopping is obviously a huge business and the demand for faster, more efficient warehouses is incredibly high. Warehouse automation enhances customer experience whilst cutting costs, which is something that every business wants.

Cutting costs and boosting productivity

As online shopping grows more competitive, as do warehouses. Labour makes up the bulk of all warehouse operating costs which is exactly why automation is what all warehouses strive to achieve. Whilst wages increase, the cost of mobile robots decrease. It seems like a simple solution for warehouse managers.

Manual operations are quickly becoming a thing of the past. Mistakes can be avoided and productivity sky-rocketed thanks to the use of robots. However, this isn’t possible without fast and reliable connectivity, which is where 5G comes into play.

Drones, automated forklifts, self-driving vehicles and autonomous mobile robots are all available to warehouse owners at a reasonable price. They can utilize 5G connectivity to follow orders and carry out the job without any hiccups.

The low latency connectivity allows robots to work faster and provide real-time updates, making the idea of fully automated warehouses much more probable.

Why is 5G so important for businesses

If you want an efficient, automated business, you need reliable and secure real-time connectivity. You need a strong connection that allows you to be flexible and change the demands of your robots instantly. Despite this, many warehouses still rely on hardwired systems that often suffer from interference and security issues.

5G will transform automated operations, bringing flexibility, reliability and speed to daily work. With online shopping being such a huge industry, it only makes sense for warehouses to invest money into improved processes and saving money in the long run.

If you are looking to upgrading to 5G or want to know more, get in touch with us on