Savincom Blog

Everything you need to know about VoIP- An eBook by Savincom

Written by Neha Karthik | Feb 26, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Did you know that the traditional phone lines are soon shutting down. Moving to a VoIP connection is the best option as this technology is both efficient and cost effective. We have created a detailed eBook for you to understand 'Everything you need to know about VoIP'. You can get your copy of the eBook by clicking here

Switching your phone system to a VoIP provider may seem like a daunting task, given the vast array of cloud and onsite system providers, but it’s actually a pretty painless process – once you know what you need. Savincom has helped many small and medium businesses switch to VoIP. To determine which system will work best for you, Savincom has created a simple five-step guide to help you to better understand your needs and options. 

In this eBook we will focus on ‘Everything you need to know about VoIP’. Like, ‘what is VoIP’, ‘how to switch’ and other relevant topics that will help you choose the right VoIP provider.

By now, you must be aware of the ISDN/PSTN shutdown in 2025. Yes, it will soon be goodbye traditional phones. Don’t panic! We have got you covered. VoIP is the best solution as it has proven great business benefits. 

Switching your phone system to a VoIP provider may seem like a daunting task, given the vast array of cloud and onsite system providers, but it’s actually a pretty painless process – once you know what you need.

Savincom has helped many small and medium businesses switch to VoIP. To help you better understand VoIP and how it can help your business achieve higher scalability, we have designed an eBook just for you. In this, we have focus on ‘Everything you need to know about VoIP’. Like, ‘what is VoIP’, ‘how to switch’ and other relevant topics that will help you choose the right VoIP provider.

Savincom works with leading VoIP providers like Vodafone One netGamma HorizonCall Switch by Telco Switch and 8x8. If you’re like most businesses looking to change to VoIP, you’re one of the 63% of buyers looking for a hosted (cloud) solution. Or perhaps you’re one of the 30% seeking the control of an onsite system. Whatever might be the case, Savincom can help you switch to VoIP.

Looking to switch click on the link below to get your copy of the eBook that we have designed especially for you. Click here to get your copy.