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More companies in UK are now embracing Flexible working

Written by Neha Karthik | Mar 4, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Businesses that enable remote working do find that many employees are more productive when they don’t have to deal with rush-hour traffic, nosy colleagues or a noisy work environment. Embrace flexible working with VoIP. Gone are the days when you were expected to be in office all days of the week. Now more and more companies are giving 'work from anywhere' option to its employees. 

A VoIP phone service can help you save money and cut carbon emissions

Remote working does not mean that employees cannot attend meetings. In fact, regular meetings allow at-home workers to connect with their team and stay in touch. But these sessions don’t have to be in person.

With VoIP phone service, you can have virtual meetings with team members scattered across the world. No one has to travel anywhere which translates to less wasted time. Additionally, you can save on travel and hotel expenses. You can also organize webinars and learning sessions virtually.

By cutting down on commuting and meeting time, you can reduce the carbon footprint of your business. Enterprises are learning that customers are now eco-conscious. A company that tries to reduce its environmental impact will resonate with clients. Offering flexible working is actually good for business!

With VoIP there is no such thing as a fixed location. Once it has been set up, a phone can be moved to any location providing that location has an internet connection, and start receiving calls again once it's plugged in.

Improve collaboration and teamwork

Many employers worry that allowing remote working will make it difficult for things to work together. Ironically, flexible working can help teams function better. That’s because the individual team members are happier and more productive.

You can also improve collaboration by cutting down on time wasted in weekly meetings. If all you need is to deliver a status update to the entire team, a quick virtual conference will do the job just as well. Employees don’t have to disrupt their work schedules to attend such meetings.

If your team is working in different countries, virtual meetings can bridge the gap between distances. It enables teams to meet more often than they otherwise would. A virtual face to face meeting can be more effective in bridging culture gaps than long emails. It can also close the communication gap.

So, if someone spends a large percentage of their day on the phone talking to customers, this

needn't be affected by working from home. All they need do is unplug their phone and take it

home with them and they will be able to carry out their duties as normal.

In advent of emergencies, like the outbreak of coronavirus in many countries, more companies are asking their workforce to work from home. VoIP helps you work from wherever, provided you have a reliable internet connection. If you are currently looking to switch to VoIP or want to know everything about VoIP, click here.