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BT 2025 Switch off likely to affect 2 million UK Businesses

Written by Neha Karthik | Feb 14, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Come 2025, BT will conduct major changes to its services, permanently switching off important communications networks like PSTN and ISDN. It is estimated that the switch off is likely to impact nearly 2 million UK businesses. Find out what will happen and how will it impact your business.

What is happening with the BT 2025 switch off?

National telecoms provider BT has announced they will shut off their ISDN and PSTN services.

The move ends the use of analogue phone lines and moves communications technology into an entirely new online space.

BT will no longer offer businesses the ability to acquire ISDN and PSTN after 2020, with the total switch off occurring in 2025. After the switch off, there will be no maintenance or recovery of phone lines, and any data sent will no longer be carried through ISDN and PSTN.

How does it Impact business communication?

Industry experts say that this is a part of cost-saving efforts by BT. It is estimated that over 2 million UK businesses will be affected by the switch off. This will primarily include the smaller companies.

Businesses will need to look for alternative methods of data transmission to maintain communication coverage. VoIP is emerging as the sole runner for replacing the traditional phone systems.

Where do you go from here?

BT is pushing customers towards its VoIP solutions, enabling them to keep their old technology that currently operates over ISDN and PSTN.

Savincom would suggest that instead of just updating transmission methods to VoIP, businesses should consider improving their entire system.

Who will be affected?

The BT 2025 switch-off will impact all businesses currently operating ISDN or PSTN.

The switch-off will affect a large volume of small businesses, as these organisations are less reliant on more advanced and diverse communication platforms than larger companies, meaning they haven’t needed to upgrade their systems.

42% of SMEs still use analogue lines to transmit data. That’s around 2.4 million businesses. And, while many bigger companies and national brands have already updated their data transmission systems, not all have made the switch. Roughly 33% of larger firms still operate on ISDN or PSTN. Essentially, there are still a lot of British companies reliant on fixed landlines for communication.

How will your business be affected?

To find out if your business will be impacted by this switch off and to what extent, you will have to analyse the number of traditional phone lines are you currently using.

What are the alternatives after the BT 2025 switch off?

When it comes to adapting business technology following the BT 2025, the big push is towards VoIP.

VoIP — or Voice Over Internet Protocol — is a method of data transmission that allows for voice messages and images to be sent over the internet using your current hardware. But how? Didn’t we just say you can’t plug your fax machine into your computer and expect it to work?

Traditionally, information from the telephones travelled down a hard-line to your copper-wire landline. Data then transmitted — via ISDN or PSTN — through this wire. With the wire no longer operational following the BT 2025 switch off, the data must go elsewhere. How VoIP works for your phones is simple. Using an adaptor device, you can turn your landline-reliant fax machines and phones into hardware with internet connectivity.

In essence, VoIP means you can use your current hard-line devices to send information to other hard-line devices, but through the internet. The result is minimal change to your systems while maintaining communication coverage, even after the BT 2025 switch off.

Better business communications solution for businesses

With the BT 2025 switch off looming, businesses will be considering making changes to their data transmission systems to avoid potential disruption. While VoIP may appear to be the easiest solution, it does not offer you the best opportunities. During this period of transition from legacy systems to newer services, why not take advantage of the ultimate in fax sending solutions, instead of continuing to rely on hardware just as dated as the technology removed in the first place? 

Looking to make the big switch to VoIP? Get in touch with Savincom today. We work with major VoIP providers like One net by Vodafone, Gamma by Horizon, Call switch by Telco switch and 8x8. We will be able to provide you with quality service and the best rates. For order and enquiries please visit us on

Source - eFax Team