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Benefits of 5G that work wonders for Small companies

Written by Neha Karthik | Feb 28, 2020 9:00:00 AM

From responding to customer queries to communicating with remote workers on remote access software, fast and reliable communications is vital for small business productivity, profitability and success. 5G promises to change the scenario of what’s possible for modern businesses. In these present times those who can adapt and adopt ahead of the competition will gain the rewards. 5G is meant to bring advantage to businesses, large and small, although it will not happen overnight. You will need good planning and implementation to achieve this.

Due to the incredibly fast 5G connection, businesses will be able to stream high-resolution video, audio and images with practically no latency. This will generate huge opportunities for instantaneous communication between customers and co-workers.

With the faster speeds and enhanced coverage 5G wireless access brings, small businesses will be able to improve communications with customers, clients and colleagues.

Let us focus on the key features of 5G that will benefit businesses:

  1. Faster speed- 5G is much faster than previous generation networks. To get more specific, 5G is able to achieve a speed of 20Gb/s. This would mean the ability things at a faster pace thus increasing productivity. If you operate a business relying on network-related tasks, such as online sales or sharing of documents and files across the cloud, having access to faster internet speeds means your small business will be able to get things done quicker.

    Carrying out vital business tasks at quicker speeds will inevitably have a positive effect on business efficiency. This improved efficiency is likely to result in greater productivity among staff, paving the way for lower overhead and ultimately increased bottom lines.

    Cloud computing has already become an integral component of contemporary IT infrastructures. Thanks to the reduced latency 5G technology provides, employees can communicate more effectively and efficiently with one another than ever before.

  1. Lower Latency- 5G also has much lower latency. You’ll see much less delay or lag when you’re using your phones and other devices. Also greater bandwidth and capacity to handle many applications at once. The advent of 5G means that devices will become instantly responsive and networks will be able to support many more of those devices at the same time.
  1. Greater Capacity- 5G has greater capacity, meaning the networks will be able to cope better with many high-demand applications all at once - from connected cars and IoT (Internet of Things) devices to virtual reality experiences and simultaneous HD video streaming. Improved speeds – estimated to be up to 20 times faster than 4G – and lower latency, plus a greater capacity offer exponential growth opportunities for businesses. In short, complex tasks will be performed quicker with fewer interruptions.
  2. Reliability- 5G is proving to be ‘super-reliable’. This means no dropped calls or connectivity, which will allow more critical use cases like those pertaining to digital health and connected cars.The power, bandwidth and speed of 5G certainly will transform the way small businesses work and operate. With faster, more reliable mobility, 5G will help small businesses better meet the demands of their industry and customers, making them more resilient and competitive. 
  3. Flexibility- Looking to explore Network Slicing to increase efficiencies and revenues- your answer lies in the 5G network. This will mean a physical network will be divided into multiple virtual networks so the operator can use the right ‘slice’ depending on their requirements. 5G networks promise to be more flexible -- network slicing allows a physical network to be divided into multiple virtual networks so the operator can use the right ‘slice’ depending on the requirements of the use case.
  4. Improved Battery Life- While all this sounds like it might drain your battery quickly, but in reality 5G is being tipped to extend the battery life of devices by up to ten times (yes you heard that right!). We will have to wait and see when most of the big brands come out with their 5G phones.
    To summarise, we can say that 5G will be key to fields like automation, machine learning, virtualisation and cloud. It's important to start planning how these fields will affect your workforce and how you do business, because they are likely to see a boom in the next few years. So, it's time to think about how to make this future work for you and your business.

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