Is VoIP right for your business?

Whether you work in a small or a large business, VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) will definitely prove to be worthy investment. VoIP services are far cheaper than a landline, as they are not required to pay the taxes and follow the same regulations that phone companies have to. Keeping this in mind VoIP is a more cost friendly way to make calls inside and outside of the workplace. For everything you need to know about VoIP, get in touch with Savincom today.


There are several advantages that your business can get by investing in VoIP:

  • Optimising productivity from employees: VoIP does much more than just increasing your company’s savings. It also enables users to integrate with other software programmes such as email, e-fax, and remote conferencing whilst still engaging in phone calls. Therefore, optimising productivity in the workplace and potentially increasing company revenue and return on investment.
  • Allows communication on the go: A huge benefit of VoIP is its flexibility. This means that the employees can take the office to anywhere in the world. This type of mobility with the telephone system means that the employees who are always on the move are still contactable. One of the biggest advantages of VoIP, especially for businesses with employees who work remotely or in multiple locations, is that it allows employees to bring their business phone line with them anywhere they go. Most VoIP providers have a mobile app that can be set up to ring when a customer or client calls an employee's business line. Additionally, these apps allow employees to use their business line to make outgoing calls from their mobile phones.
  • Continuous reliability: VoIP relies purely on internet to be able to perform which means factors weather, location or lack of signal do not affect the connection or clarity of the call. VoIP is incredibly reliable and does not carry the risk of a faulty connection that landlines can often have.
  • Phone mirroring: if you job requires regular liaising with clients or customers, VoIP is perfect for enabling you to do this while working remotely. With VoIP calls made to the office number can ring both the office and an assigned mobile number which is also connected via VoIP.

VoIP phone systems make good sense for small businesses. In fact, recent research finds that more than one-third of all businesses are now using a VoIP phone system, with the vast majority of those being businesses with fewer than 50 employees.

VoIP systems allow for business as usual, no matter where your employees may be physically sitting. By having a VoIP system, it's easier to give a little flexibility to employees while still staying connected."

If you are interested in learning more VoIP and about what to look for in a business phone system, click here and our team will get back to you soon. We work with leading VoIP providers like VodafoneGamma Horizon and Telcoswitch. Savincom ensures that you empower everyone in your business—anywhere in the world—by giving them all the same powerful communications tools. You will be able to support remote, mobile and home-based workers. And connect with every customer, every time, using the methods they prefer.