5 ways to effectively reduce Business Mobile cost


Is saving cost on Business Mobile a challenge for you? Effective management of Business mobile costs is always a challenging task for small and medium enterprises! Mobile costs are highly sensitive to business user behaviour, and controlling that behaviour is complex and resource intensive.

With the recent arrival of 5G this year, there is an advent of high-speed data. This will eventually result in higher data usage. Therefore, leading to higher mobile cost for SMEs. It is now time for SMEs to strike a balance between user productivity and usage controls.

Savincom has shaped a range of best practice guides for SMEs that offer detailed look at the causes and impact of these converging challenges `on mobile IT administration and budgets; also proving clear insights and best practice approaches we can help your business with.

These are the 5 ways Small and Medium enterprises can effectively bring down cost for Business Mobile:

1. Find the mobile plans best suited to your business budget: There is a massive difference between consumer and business tariffs. They’re perfectly customisable to suit your business requirements. If your company’s requirement is to use 1000 minutes per month, then that is plan you can be put on.

2. Take advantage of shared plans: Sharing business plan between the staff is a great idea and leads to reduction in cost. This plan is most effective for start-ups and SMEs as it lets them to take one plan out and share the usage data, minutes and texts for the month, without additional mobile plan fee.

3. Clean up your inventory & remove inactive services through Mobile Device ManagementRemoving the clutter of unwanted inventory and inactive services through Mobile Device management could be your go to thing for reducing costs. SMEs should focus on customer centric MDM. This will lead to top-line growth while delivering operational savings.  There aren’t many initiatives that can aim to deliver both cost savings and new revenue streams.

4. Use International SIMs: Do you have a semi-permanent or permanent office outside UK? Are you tired of negotiating costs for International SIMs for your employees there? Then Savincom International SIMs is your answer to this. We ensure that you save a lot more on local SIMs abroad. Save more with flexible commitment options with Savincom International SIMs.

5. Trust the numbers: Are you looking to cut down on business mobile cost? 30 – 40% cost reduction is effectively delivered through active bill monitoring, analytics, reporting and by freeing up personnel from hours of administration. On an average, customers report a cut to their mobile bills by an average 35% with better monitoring and reporting.

You are spending more than you would want to! You will have to use a strategic approach to get this right. If this is something you want to know more about, we are happy to assist you. 

To know more about savings, please click on the link to download our detailed eBook. This will give you an insight on saving costs.