5 IoT examples that shaped technology in 2020

Internet of Things (IoT) applications are becoming more widespread. According to Mckinsey, the percentage of businesses that use IoT technology has increased from 13% to 25% in the past 5 years.

What is IoT? IoT enables a myriad of different business applications. Knowing those IoT examples and use cases can help businesses integrate IoT technologies into their future investment decisions. That is why we set out to create the most comprehensive list of IoT use cases in industries. Come 2021, IoT will bring in major changes in the way businesses work.

Businesses are traditionally the first to adopt new technologies. In addition to providing a competitive advantage, innovations can have a great impact on your bottom line. Namely, the proper use of IoT technologies can reduce the overall operating costs, help you increase your business efficiency, and create additional revenue streams through new markets and products.

In this article we will take you through the 5 BIG examples that have transformed the way technology has come to the rescue. 

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  1. Connected Healthcare System 

    With COVID 19, the main focus in 2020 has been on the healthcare system of every country, globally. IoT has applications in healthcare that benefit patients, families, physicians, hospitals and insurance companies. IoT for Patients - Devices in the form of wearables like fitness bands and other wireless connected devices like blood pressure and heart rate monitoring cuffs, glucometer etc. 

    Internet of Things (IoT)-enabled devices have made remote monitoring in the healthcare sector possible. Thus, unleashing the potential to keep patients safe and healthy, and empowering physicians to deliver superlative care. It has also increased patient engagement and satisfaction as interactions with doctors have become easier and more efficient.

    Furthermore, remote monitoring of patient’s health helps in reducing the length of hospital stay and prevents re-admissions. IoT also has a major impact on reducing healthcare costs significantly and improving treatment outcomes.

    IoT is undoubtedly transforming the healthcare industry by redefining the space of devices and people interaction in delivering healthcare solutions. IoT has applications in healthcare that benefit patients, families, physicians, hospitals and insurance companies.

  2. IoT Sensors

    IoT sensors consist of manual or digital sensors connected to circuit boards. The circuit boards can be programmed to measure a range of data collected from a sensor device such as carbon monoxide, temperature, humidity, pressure, vibration, and motion.

    Sensors output valuable information and if they are connected to a network, they can share data with other connected devices and management systems.

    What differentiates IoT sensors from simple sensors is that they can not only gather data at different physical environments but also send data to the connected devices. The IoT sensors allow seamless control of data through automation delivering actionable insights. They can be used by businesses for predictive maintenance, enhanced efficiency, and reduced costs.

    So, what are the advantages of IoT sensors that aided tech-support to businesses in 2020:

    • Accelerate processes and make them more accurate.
    • Collect process and asset data in real time.
    • Monitor processes and assets accurately, reliably, and continuously.
    • Increase productivity and reduce total cost of ownership.
    • Lower energy wastage.
  3. IoT Data Analytics

    Let us look at how has IoT benefited companies with data analytics. A huge variety of devices connect to the internet and share data through sensors every day. This data is worthless without analysis. However, with an IoT analytics solution put in place, the data that organizations produce is effectively collected, analyzed, and stored. As a result, it allows organizations to optimize their operations at all levels, improve decision making, and achieve a number of benefits.

    Increased human related productivity within organisations

    If IoT data analytics is evaluated and implemented properly, it can have a positive impact on employees’ productivity and overall business success.

    Improved equipment maintenance

    IoT allows workers to see exactly how their machines are performing in real-time, and alerts them to any issues that might be arising. Being able to prevent unscheduled downtime by using predictive maintenance can provide significant benefits. According to PwC’s study, utilizing predictive maintenance can reduce costs by 12%, improve up-time by 9%, and reduce safety, health, environment, and quality risks by 14% on average. Additionally, it can extend the lifetime of an aging asset by 20%.

    Enhanced customer service

    Be it retail or a healthcare center, each organisation strives to create a better and more personalised customer experience. The implementation of IoT data analytics can help with this onerous task. IoT data reveals a wealth of customer behaviors and preferences that can be analyzed and used to predict customer needs. 

    Businesses can use real-time IoT data analytics to manage increased customer volumes and improve general operational efficiency. This is beneficial to both parties; consumers gain more value through convenience and time saving, while organisations increase their revenue and stay more attractive to customers.

  4. IoT Tracking and Monitoring System

    IoT plays an important role in fleet management by connecting applications to deliver the data and services that make fleet operations safer, greener, and more cost-effective. Internet of things created a tremendous impact on fleet management with machine-to-machine (M2M) solutions to make the smart city come alive. With IoT for fleet management, we can not only keep track of vehicles but also monitor high-value assets in remote locations.

    The power of IoT is being harnessed in every possible way to make the world more connected. This inter-connectivity enables us to control every connected object despite being miles away. The supply chain is made up of various stakeholders including manufacturers, transport companies and retailers. Information sharing and connectivity is essential for all of them. Therefore, IoT has an important role to play in this industry.

  5. IoT monitored Vodafone Heat Detection cameras

2020 has seen an increased need and usage of thermal cameras. This is primarily due to COVID 19 that the crippled the entire world. Businesses have been forced to shut and most companies that are going back to office working are worried about the well-being of their staff. Therefore, the need of a thermal camera (Heat detection camera) that has helped many businesses in keeping their workforce safe.

Vodafone’s Heat Detection camera utilises leading edge thermal imaging technology combined with Vodafone’s market-leading IoT network to help you screen individuals for potential body temperature symptoms of COVID-19. The Heat Detection solution is delivered as a managed service, allowing you to simply access a portal from a secure tablet to monitor the body temperature of staff or members of the public entering your premises.

Connectivity is also an important consideration. Cameras can be installed in multiple locations, alarms can be viewed locally or can be sent remotely across the network. It’s crucial that companies looking to safeguard their employees can introduce these protective technologies without overhauling their existing surveillance infrastructure.

Hope we have answered most of your questions along the way. We have tried to show you a clearer picture around IoT and how it has transformed technology this year. If you too are ready to go back to work post lockdown 2.0, safeguard your employees with a Heat Detection Camera. Click on the below button to order or inquire.

Get Heat Detection Camera